Thursday, February 28, 2008

Le Gui

Those green balls up in the trees are mistletoe, or le gui. They are everywhere, great masses of parasitic plants considered pests by people whose business is trees. I could easily make airy remarks about its prevalence in the country where courtly love was invented -- so easily that I'll skip that and go straight to the pictures.

Here is a close-up view:

Le gui is one of the things Panoramix, the Druid, goes off to gather in the Astérix books, so it gave me a little bang of pleasure to find out that those big green balls I'd been looking at ever since the leaves fell in autumn were exactly that. I can picture him trudging down a muddy lane and climbing up with his serpe d'or to cut enough for his latest batch of potion. I know, I know, it's a cartoon. But it's as good as Bugs Bunny, and that's saying something.